Glenwood Day at Andes Tower Hills - Glenwood Lakes Area Welcome Center
Discounted Prices -
(Ticket prices coming soon and registration to open soon.) We have a limited supply of some of the discounted tickets.
Tickets can be reserved on line, but must be purchased at the Glenwood Lakes Area Welcome Center,
7 First Street NW, Glenwood, by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 14th.
Checks or cash only please! Checks to be written out to the Glenwood Welcome Center.
The Traveling Tree House is a mobile learning center that provides FREE learning opportunities for local children. At each visit kids experience reading, crafts, and activities. Designed for children Pre-K- Elementary but open to all ages.
Mark your calendars for our next THREE Pop Up's!
Sample small bites and a variety of beers, wines, spirits & mocktails from 25+ local restaurants, wineries, and breweries. Live music, fundraising, prizes, and games too! more info...
The Traveling Tree House is a mobile learning center that provides FREE learning opportunities for local children. At each visit kids experience reading, crafts, and activities. Designed for children Pre-K- Elementary but open to all ages.
Mark your calendars for our next THREE Pop Up's!
Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt - Barsness Park
Hunt and picnic lunch for families with children 12 and under
Saturday, April 19 11:00 a.m. Sharp-12;30 p.m,.
(Hunt divided into four age bracket - drive through if inclement weather)
( watch Face Book and listen to KMGK our local radio station)